Our Facilities
Hospital Registration Number – 1222/87
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Our hospital has 52 beds
Single room / toilet - 16 rooms
Sharing room / toilet - 8 rooms (each room has 2 bed and a toilet)
GW - 6 beds
A/c room - 6 rooms
toilet Deluxe room - 8 rooms
ICU - 6 beds Ventilator room - 2 bedsLab
Computerised Lab with auto analyser (statfax 2000) Elisa reader, microscope, Hot air oven, incubator, centrifuge, water bath. Accurate and reliable methods and instruments to provide out patients with Lab Reports of the highest quality (International quality standard).
Pharmacy: A 24x7 Hub of Medicinal Expertise
Operating round the clock, Dhanvandri medicals serves as a vital nexus of patient well-being. Manned by qualified pharmacists, our clinical pharmacy team demonstrates expertise in clinical problem-solving, communication, education, and therapeutic evaluation. Collaborating seamlessly with specialists, our pharmacy ensures comprehensive medication management to enhance patient outcomes.

Indoor Facilities
- Bio system 300
- Stat fax 200
- 9180 Electrolyte analyzer (Roche)
- Elisa reader (Glaxo)
- DS – 5 HBA1C
- QBC (Becton dicekinson
- Automatic cell counter (Micros – 60 (Abx)
- Microscope (Olympus)
- Diabetic Panel
- Diabetic panel complete
- Kidney function panel
- Endocrinology assays
- Fertility profile
- Anemia profile
- Antenatal profile
- Fertility profile – female
- Hair loss profile
- Hepatitis profile
- Master lab check up
- Geriatric health check up
- Rheumatoid profile
- Serology profile (Leptospirosis Elisa)
Computerised ECG machine, Glucometer
Siemen 300 M.A
Wipro GE ( Whole Abdomen,KUB, Pelvis, Obstretics, Thyroid, Neck, Chest,Breast, Scrotum, Echo )
Twin O.T.
Major O.T: Boyles Appartus, Martin revolving lamp, Hydralic table, daitheramy, suction, laproscope, urethroscope, ENT microscope. Centralised O2 & NO2
Labour Room: Foetral heart Doppler, Baby warmer, phototherapy
ICU: ICU cots with IV stand, Bear ventilator, Pulse Oximeter, Monitor, infusion pump, glucometer, centralised oxygen and suction.
OT Specialties
- Orchidectomy
- Hysterectomy (Vaginal/abdominal),
- Hysteroscopy
- Piles – Band ligarion,
- Fissure – Sphincter Stretching / cutting under L.A
- Urethral – dilation Under L.A
- Urethral Cystoscopic
- Urethral Cystoscopic guidance
- Lithotripsy
- Fistula in Ano (Low level)
- Fistula in Ano (High level)
- Vasovasal anastomosis
- TURP (Transurethral resection of prostate)
- Percutaneous nephro lithostomy (PCNL)
- Flexi URS / RIRS (retrograde intra renal surgery)
- Nephrectomy
- Abdominal Hysterectomy (open)
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Normal Delivery
- Laprascopic diagnostic procedure
- Laprascopic Sterilisation
- Laprascopic ovarian cyst removal
- Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial biopsy
- Total knee replacement – unilateral
- Total knee replacement – bilateral
- Hip replacement – unilateral
- Hip replacement – bilateral
- Fracture neck femur
- Femur shaft fracture – proximal / middle / distal
- Tibia fracture proximal / middle / distal – orif / crif with nailing / locki
- Ankle / tibia fracture – orif / crif with screws / tbw
- Arthrodesis – wrist
- Foot fractures with wires
- Foot fractures with screws
- Calcaneal fracture with plates
- Shoulder / humerous / elbow / both bones forearm fractures – plates ana
- Single foream fracture / wrist fracture – with plate
- Scaphoid fracture fixation
- Hand – k – wires single fracture
- Hand – k – wires – multiple fracture
- Menisectomtomy
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Shoulder – arthroscopy / open – bankart
- Shoulder – arthroscopy / open – laterjet / bone block
- Shoulder – arthroscopy / open – cuff repair
- Shoulder – arthroscopy / open – cuff repair with anchors
- Shoulder – arthroscopy / open – sub acromial decompression
- ACL reconstruction / repair
- MCL reconstruction / Repair
- ACL & PCL reconstruction and repair
- Laminectomy / Disectomy
- Stabilization of spinal column
- Thoraco / lumbar global fixation / bone graft
- Thyraco / lumbar – anterior inter body fixation
- Carpel tunnel release – unilateral
- Carpel tunnel release – bilateral
- Close reduction of fracture of limbs and POP
- Reduction of compound fractures
- Closed reduction of dislocations
- Implant removal (femur / tibia)
- Bone grafting for non unions – lower limb
- Acetabular fracture – posterior wall / column orif
- Acetabular fracture – anterior wall
- Pelvis fracture – external fixation
- Reduction of dislocation in GA
- Breast abscess
- I & D of palmar abscess
- I & D of gluteal abscess
- Tendon sheath abscess,
- Gynaecomastia Excision,
- Fibroadenoma Breast excision
- Lumpectomy excision
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Excision of cyst
- Excision of lipoma
- Excision of contractures
- Excision of Lymph nodes
- Excision ganglion under LA
- Excision of Lymph nodes

- We have 24 hrs Ambulance services.
- Canteen is attached.
- 24 hrs OP consultations available
- Any kind of emergency surgery is undertaken
- Bed lift with 12 person capacity is provided
- We have Kirloskan A/C generator which takes care of any electrical breaker
- Our Hospital is located in the main IInd avenue 120 feet main road, it can be easily reached by town buses.
- Bharath Scan is our next neighbour, we send our patients for any CT scans, MRI scans.
- The patients are well attended as we have 24hrs duty doctors on each floors and our staff nurses to patients ratio is 1:2
- Our Hospital is a panel hospital for Lucas TVS, Ashok Leyland and is in the network of Apollo Family health plan Limited
- Our Hospitals bills are approved for availing mediclaim policy by National Insurance Company Limited, United India Insurance, Oriental Insurance, and many other Insurance companies.